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The Town of Breckenridge continues to strive toward a more healthy, vibrant, and sustainable community. We are proud of how far we've come, but challenge ourselves to go above and beyond.

Sustainability is the ability of today's community to use and enjoy our resources without compromising the ability of future generations to use them.

Every year, SustainableBreck releases its annual report, a snapshot of how far we've come on our sustainability journey. It reinforces our priorities and identifies gaps where we can further improve.


The Town will:

1. Aggressively undertake forest health initiatives to protect residents and visitors from large scale wildfire.

2. Protect the Town's watershed and associated water supply infrastructure.

3. Conduct large scale replanting efforts in areas with extensive tree removal.


The Town will:

1. Ensure the availability of affordably priced housing for its permanent residents.

2. Protect market-rate units service as workforce housing.

3. Create deed restricted for sale units priced for workforce families.

4. Create deed restricted rental housing for workforce locals.


The Town will:

1. Maintain high standards of water quality.

2. Increase ability to fully store water rights to ensure an adequate water supply for future generations.

3. Reduce annual demands by 20% by 2030.

4. Reduce peak demands during summer associated with outdoor water use.

child care

The Town will:

1. Ensure quality care is accessible and affordable for families and workforce.

2. Create quality child care programs that retain qualified and motivated teachers.

3. Secure long term funding, reduce costs, and achieve sustainable budgets at participating centers.

Recreation & Open Space

The Town will:

1. Maintain existing inventory of open space and trails.

2. Acquire additional open space property that complements existing.

3. Increase trail connectivity.

4. Provide new recreational opportunities.

5. Renovate existing and develop new parks and facilities.

Resource Conservation

The Town will:

1. Strive to significantly decrease overall resource use, specifically consumption of non-renewable energy, fuels and non-recyclable materials.

2. Take a leadership role in reducing its own energy consumption.

3. Be powered by 100% renewable electricity for municipal facilities by 2025.

4. Explore innovative strategies to significantly reduce waste.

Annual Report


The Town will:

1. Protect back-country lands and historic resources.

2. Maintain service commercial uses.

3. Not exceed the Upper Blue Basin's build-out numbers.


The Town will:

1. Strive to lessen automobile dependency in favor of alternative modes of travel to reduce consumption of fossil fuels.

2. Increase transit ridership by providing residents and visitors a convenient multi-modal system that provides links to the ski area, base facilities, parking, and throughout the community and region.


The Town will:

1. Preserve large, bio-diverse open spaces that serve as vital wildlife habitat through land purchases.

2. Implement the Cucumber Gulch Master Plan.

Local Economy

The Town will:

1. Focus on efforts to deliver a balanced, year-round economy driven by destination tourism by 2024.

2. Elevate and fiercely protect Breckenridge's authentic character and brand.

3. Provide an atmosphere which focuses on economy stability in real estate and commercial trades.

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