If not managed properly, a lot of water can be wasted when keeping your lawn green. Slow the Flow to save water and money.
This program helps community members understand their water use and discover ways they can save.
Small actions at home can save thousands of gallons and more. Check out these conservation tips. ----------->

Conservation Tips
Each person uses about 125 gallons of water a day.
Reduce Your Use
Shorten showers
Wash only full loads of laundry and dishes
Turn off the water when brushing, shaving, and lathering
Upgrade Appliances
Invest in low flow fixtures.
A low flow showerhead can save over a gallon of water per minute in the shower
Monitor Leaks
Leaks can be costly and waste a lot of water, check for leaks with these tips

Conservation Tips
Nearly 50% of water applied to the landscape is wasted.
Manage Irrigation
Only water when needed, don't turn on the sprinkler in the rain!
Use a rainfall or moisture sensor to avoid overwatering
Water during the cool morning hours to reduce evaporation from the sun
Garden With Care​
Use native plants that require little water
Collect gray water to use for watering
Use compost to promote root growth and hold in moisture. You can even purchase local compost from the SCRAP in Keystone!
Remove weeds – they steal water
Do you use an irrigation system? Sprinkler systems should be checked annually for efficiency. Learn how you can save water and money with a Slow the Flow water check up!

Conservation Tips
Want your commercial restaurant to save water, energy, and time?
Upgrade Equipment
​High efficiency Pre-Rinse Spray Valves clean better, save time, water and energy
Look for WaterSense labels on toilets and other appliances
Achieve Sustainable Business Certification
High Country Conservation offers a business certification program to help businesses save water, energy, and reduce waste