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Plastic Pollution Considerations

Writer's picture: jburleyjburley

Updated: Aug 24, 2023


Reminder to sign up for the Local Business Roundtables to provide feedback on proposals to reduce plastic waste in Breckenridge.

Local Business Roundtable #2 - Plastic Pollution Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Breck Rec Center - Multi-Purpose Room 9:00-10:30 AM


In 2022, the Town adopted the SustainableBreck Plan update, a long-range action plan designed to inform decision makers about programs and policies to help support climate action, water conservation, mobility, clean energy, and materials management (waste). A year prior, the Colorado General Assembly passed HB-1162 that aims to eliminate plastic bags and Styrofoam state-wide.

Guided by the recommendations in the SustainableBreck Plan, and the need to align with state policy, the Town Council passed an ordinance that:

1. Requires customers to opt-in to single-use service ware and condiments at retail food establishments.

2. Raises the recycled carryout bag fee to 25 cents and requires carryout bags to be 100% recycled content. The first 60% of the fees collected are remitted to the Town and the remaining 40% can be kept by the store for certain uses. Business with remaining inventory of 40% recycled content paper bags can use them until depleted.

3. Immediately bans the sale of all single use plastic water bottles and plastic service ware in any Town facility, park, or special event permitted by the Town.

4. Establishes a ban on polystyrene containers in retail food establishments beginning January 1, 2024 and other single use plastic containers and service ware beginning July 1, 2024.

5. Prohibits all businesses from selling single use plastic water bottles less than one (1) gallon in size beginning July 1, 2024.

The Council passed this ordinance on March 28, 2023 and it will be effective May 4, 2023.

In addition, the SustainableBreck Plan recommends the Town consider a prohibition on all single use plastic beverage containers by 2024 to help achieve 20% source reduction of municipal solid waste. To that end, we are seeking input and feedback from local businesses on the feasibility and impact of this proposal. Local businesses are invited to the Local Business Roundtable to provide feedback. RSVP Required. Comments can also be submitted to

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